Standard Unit

Normally when speaking of the capacity of a certain plant one speaks in terms of quantity treated or worked, because each plant has its own specific product whose characteristics change within well defined limits.

One of the most significant advantages of the Isotherm plant lies in its capacity to treat, contemporaneously or at different times, different materials, also materials very different, one from the other, physically and chemically.

This is why a plant is defined in terms of Mwt, which approximately signifies that a certain size produces a determined amount of vapour (or electrical energy) using materials different from one and the other, in the combination used by the Client.

The standard plant, whose capacity corresponds, on the average, to the market for the three previously cited industrial applications (industrial waste, contaminated/polluted ground, and municipal solid waste) is the 15 Mwt plant; this plant produces 4.5 MW electricity or an equivalent amount of vapour depending on the needs of the Client.

It should be noted that this unit can indifferently treat industrial waste, contaminated (polluted) ground and urban solid waste, also contemporaneously.

The total amount of material treated depends on the heating power of the introduced material; for most cases it is generally between 25,000 and 50,000 tons/year.

For this unit’s capacity the oxygen needs are ensured by standard commercial VSA units that produce oxygen from the air; if needed, a unit is available for further fume purification to produce industrial and/or food grade CO2.